“Do not be one of the many
but one of the many of the one”
The following collection of poems adds value to the vast wealth of the metaphysical knowledge of the Soul. According to the Higher Realms of Teachings (HRT), her primal impulse is to quench the need of rediscovering her primordial nature.
Purposively, the language used in the present book is easily absorbable, direct, and free of poetic trickery. As opposed to being vague, it is clear, and so lacks coy significance only the author knows of. Every word means what it is supposed to mean, so the reader never has to question any possible obscure and/or esoteric scopes behind them. Nevertheless, they attempt to climb the summits of the prophetic invocation that mature researchers in the fields
of Esoterophy (union of Esoteric teaching
and Philosophy) look for.
If the reader surrenders to its inspirational language, he will be able to see a world made of perfect union, that although aware of its faults and redemptions, is also impregnated with eternal harmony. Then the reader can discover that those other worlds, lived in before, previously considered vast and known, suddenly will become utterly minuscule and incomplete. The reader will look like the butterfly that looks at the cocoon that hosted her growth before helping her leap to her flight.
The truth is, that wherever we look like around us, after gaining true eyes, life shows us how permeated with love and sempiternity it is. An experience made of ethereal union between knowledge and mystic, a revelation that discovers beauty and redemption, which is delivered on a mantle of dignity and clairvoyant anticipation. No pain, emotion nor joy are left out from the complex universe of its composed life. A quintessential act that explores the inner meaning of our existence, and in no way spares the sacredness of the transmigration of the Soul.
Here, symbols and metamorphosis are not veiled, but bravely exposed so that they can readily disclose their secrets. We are all spirits in search of our Divine nature, equip-ped with eyes that dream and see beyond the present that predict a perfect future. Their destinies are written by those that deploy tender and passionate hearts, which own distended and potent hands, psychic and winged, that supervise the chaotic abyss of our daily and mortal life, and yet are able to extract new shapes and more supreme impressions.
Overall, a messianic journey of emancipation of the spirit